Animal Chiropractic Treatment
Frequently Asked Questions
How can my pet benefit from Chiropractic treatment?
Who needs Animal Chiropractic treatment?
What are the benefits of Animal Chiropractic house calls?
What is the length of Animal Chiropractic treatment?
Do Animal Chiropractic treatment and Veterinary medicine work together?
Do you offer a multiple animal discount?
Do you offer office appointments?
How can my pet benefit from Chiropractic treatment?
- Chiropractic treatment for dogs, cats and other small animals provides pain relief and return to activity after injury
- Your pet gets a better quality of life (as will you)
- Your dog or cat may get enhanced physical performance
- Dogs and cats see improvement in the ability to be active with age
- Chiropractic treatment for dogs and cats works to improve or eliminate symptoms such as limping, arched back, carrying the head low, or poor tail carriage
Who needs Animal Chiropractic treatment?
- Your dog (or cat) who has pain due to hip dysplasia, arthritis, disc herniation or other painful ailments should receive animal chiropractic treatment
- Small pets like dogs and cats who need post surgical animal chiropractic treatments to increase flexibility and help them regain proper movement
- Older companions whose joints and muscles have become stiff and sore may benefit from chiropractic treatment
- Dogs who have difficulty getting up, laying down, or navigating stairs should receive chiropractic treatment
- Young puppies or kittens who play too hard may benefit from animal chiropractic treatment
- Show animals representing best of breed may get benefits from animal chiropractic treatment to help them look their best in the show ring
- Animals who spend time on slippery surfaces, such as tile, laminate or marble will benefit from animal chiropractic treatment
- Sporting animals who run, leap and stay focused awaiting the next command benefit from animal chiropractic treatment
What are the benefits of Animal Chiropractic house calls?
- Your pet can rest and be less distracted in their own environment and get the most benefit from treatment
- You will get the benefit of ergonomic counseling to improve your pets natural environment
- You will receive suggestions for home modification or improvement that will benefit your small pet
- Your pet will get more focused time with the doctor
- Your pet will benefit by not transporting them and potentially not allowing the treatment to "set". Immediate rest allows for the treatment to fully take hold and give the most benefit.
What is the length of Animal Chiropractic treatment?
After restoring proper function with chiropractic care the body needs time to heal. As a rule animals recover rapidly, but older animals and animals with more serious problems may take more time. Most animals will show improvement after one to four visits. The speed of recovery may depend on several factors, including:
- The length of time the problem has been present. Older injuries can require longer animal chiropractic treatment.
- Age and physical condition. Older animals are slower to heal. The quality of life can be greatly enhanced in older pets with animal chiropractic treatment.
- Damage. How much damage has been done? Repairing severely damaged tissue may take longer.
- Cooperation. The speed of recovery may depend on owner cooperation with the Doctor. If the animal is removed from care too soon, or returns to full activity too quickly optimal results may not be achieved.
Do Animal Chiropractic treatment and Veterinary medicine work together?
Animal Chiropractic treatment and Veterinary medicine work very well together. Chiropractic treatments are not intended to replace traditional Veterinary care. When a joint is subluxated it loses motion and proper positioning. The chiropractic adjustment is designed to restore correct alignment and proper motion. The adjustment is aimed at correcting the subluxation and restoring the proper functioning of the nervous system. With any dysfunction, Chiropractic works to eliminate the cause of the problem and not just treat the symptoms.
Do you offer a multiple animal discount?
Ask the doctor for information about multiple animal discounts.
Do you offer office appointments?
Home office appointments are available by special arrangement.

Julie Giansante